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Wednesday 6 March 2013

Why do we like to be an engineer ?

Every person has his own desires, and his own aims for the future. Some people run after worldly wealth. They become doctors so that within only a few years they may have cars and big "kothies". Others are ambitious for position and power. They try to seek government jobs and become I.A.S officers. I have no such ambitions. My ambition in life is to become an engineer and serve my motherland in that capacity. There are various reasons for this. I feel that as an engineer, i would have greater opportunities of serving my motherland than in any other capacity. India has been on the road to economic development for the last thirty years or more. Much has been done, but much more still remains to be done. Our economic development has not been so rapid as it should have is mainly the lack of qualified engineers that has held back the progress of the country. So i feel that i should be an engineer and do my bit for the nation.

Ambition is something that is very much different from a dream. My dream is to become an successful engineer as like Arvind kejriwal and to serve my country with my best efforts. Engineering is not something that can be done by each and every kid in our society, but it is meant for those who have some ideas to conclude them into a big bang script. Whatever engineers there are,they are mostly corrupt, dishonest and insincere. They do not care to do their duty: they are more interested in making money than in the good of their motherland. Dams,bridges,roads and houses constructed under the supervision of such engineers are worthless. They do not last, they fall or crack within no time. It is so because the material meant for these works is sold in the market and fills the pockets of these corrupt engineers. My ambition in life is to become an honest engineer and make others also honest and dutiful by my own example and influence. I have never liked table work and have always preferred out-door life. No other profession provides us with so many opportunities of living in the open, in the company of nature, as this profession. As an engineer i would be constantly out in the open,working for my country both in rain and sunshine. Besides this, engineers are constantly on the move. They cannot be at one place for any length of time. As soon as some construction work at one place is completed, they must move on to some other place to take up some fresh work. In this way, Engineers get an opportunity of seeing their motherland from one end to the other. They meet new people and enjoy new scenes and sights.

In my views, if we want to become an good engineer then we should join various institutions which teaches us at a different peak with high standards.Seeking for an coaching institute has been a habit for many of the aspirants who want to crack various competitive entrance exams.In my views, going for a coaching institute is a good way to tackle various difficulties faced by the students. But each and every parent should keep this thought in mind that they should not compel their child to get stick to a coaching institute. It is entirely his or her choice either to get into a coaching institute or not. To achieve my ambition, i am working hard for a good division in the intermediate examination. As soon as the examinations are over, i would prepare with my full hard work for the competition for various engineering institutions.